Market Trends

Remote online notarization being signed online so a homebuyer can close on a new home with a notary witnessing over camera

Accelerating Toward RON: 2 Years of Innovation in a Month’s Time

The obstacles to fully-remote closings are quickly breaking down as lenders, underwriters and title & escrow businesses accelerate their RON timelines.

Illustration of computer showing different media trends and charts

Your Resource Guide for RON eClosings in 2020

Find up-to-date resources, legislation, and guidelines for remote online notarization (RON) from trusted institutions including ALTA, GSEs, and MISMO.

Illustration of a man watching a webinar with NATIC and Qualia on RON adoption and COVID-19

[Qualia LIVE Recap]: NATIC Offers Guidance to Keep Real Estate Moving Forward

Qualia joined NATIC on a webinar to discuss how NATIC title & escrow agents are responding to COVID-19 as well as NATIC’s guidelines for RON transactions.

Illustration of people holding paychecks from the government as part of the CARES Act

[ALTA & October Research Webinar Recaps]: How Title & Escrow Businesses Can Benefit from the CARES Act

Qualia recently sponsored 2 webinars with ALTA and October Research about how title & escrow businesses can benefit from the CARES Act.

Cybercrime increases while working from home

Cybercrime Expected to Double During COVID-19

The FBI released a warning that BEC scams are on the rise during COVID-19. Learn how you can protect your business while your employees work from home.

Title, Lender, Underwriter, and County Coordination During COVID-19

Qualia joined Proglogix on a webinar to discuss how title & escrow businesses can work with their counties, lenders, and underwriters during COVID-19.

Illustration of a government building with money and legislation to represent the recent stimulus package from the CARES Act

CARES Act Guidance for Title Professionals

Last week the CARES Act was signed into law. This act has a few benefits for title & escrow businesses. Learn how your business can benefit with this guidance.

Illustration of a real estate professional using secure technology

[Webinar Recap]: Industry Experts Weigh in on Remote Work and Digital Closings During COVID-19

In response to COVID-19 and its impact on title businesses, Qualia pulled together industry leaders to discuss how their teams have adapted to remote work.

Illustration of someone buying a home on their mobile phone

As Legislation for RON Accelerates is Your Business Prepared for Fully-Digital eClosings?

Over the last year, conversations around RON have grown. Now, the conversation is taking on new meaning and intensity in light of COVID-19.

Illustration of a legislative bill for regulatory compliance

Stay on Top of COVID-19 Changes with These Valuable Industry Resources

Find a curated list of verified resources that are available for title & escrow businesses to stay on top of COVID-19 changes.

Illustration of a real estate closing document

Considerations for Notaries and Signing Agents During COVID-19

Social distancing efforts during the COVID-19 outbreak, have caused many businesses and signing agencies to take a closer look at in-person signings.

Illustration of automation technology to improve lender efficiency

How to Evaluate Efficiency-Driving Solutions During High-Volume

During periods of high-volume, lenders consider outsourcing or automating tasks in order to gain efficiency. Here’s how to determine which solution is best.

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