
How Lenders Can Help Homebuyers Make Smart Decisions in a Recession

Julian Hebron of The Basis Point & Qualia’s Jamie Kump talk about how lenders can build trust with homebuyers by giving insights on inflation & recession.

remote online notarization taking off like a rocket ship

How Refinances, Forbearances, and RON are Changing the Digital Mortgage Paradigm

It’s been a historic summer. Will COVID-19 ultimately be the igniting force that pushes the mortgage industry into a new digital paradigm?

Illustration of remote online notarization eClosing documents being prepared e-signed and stored digitally

RON eClosing Documents & Storage: eNotes, eVaults, and the eRegistry

Remote online notarization (RON) eClosings require a unique set of documents. Learn how title & lender documents collected, stored, and transferred.