We are proud to announce the release of the industry’s most in-depth document editing feature, providing title and escrow agents with the ability to edit any tagged field within a Qualia document.

Qualia was built with efficiency in mind, ultimately aiming to streamline real estate closings for everyone. Our new in-app document editor helps to increase productivity by providing an easy way to edit documents without the need for Microsoft Word or other third-party programs.

DOC EDITINGEditing a document using Qualia’s In-App Document Editing feature.

Data entered into closing files in Qualia are intelligently mapped to the relevant fields within a document. This data is now editable by clicking a single button. Simply click on any of the blue fields in a generated document and edit module will appear with all editable fields. Edit any of the information and click the green “Modify Data” button to confirm these document changes.

For Qualia members looking for help using the new in-app document editor, click here to read our support article.