Industry Insights

Stills of title professionals conferencing into a video conference with Qualia

Title & Escrow Leaders Share Stories of Creativity, Flexibility and Resilience During COVID-19

Qualia spoke with leaders from title & escrow businesses across the country over video chat to discuss how their teams have adapted to COVID-19.

[Qualia LIVE Recap]: How AmTrust’s Title & Escrow Agents are Responding to COVID-19

In this Qualia LIVE remote event, AmTrust joins Qualia to discuss how title & escrow agents are responding to changes during COVID-19.

Illustration of people holding paychecks from the government as part of the CARES Act

[ALTA & October Research Webinar Recaps]: How Title & Escrow Businesses Can Benefit from the CARES Act

Qualia recently sponsored 2 webinars with ALTA and October Research about how title & escrow businesses can benefit from the CARES Act.

Qualia LIVE with ATGF

[Qualia LIVE Recap]: How ATGF’s Title & Escrow Agents are Responding to COVID-19

Leaders from ATGF discuss how title companies in their regions are responding to changing regulations and conditions surrounding COVID-19.

Title, Lender, Underwriter, and County Coordination During COVID-19

Qualia joined Proglogix on a webinar to discuss how title & escrow businesses can work with their counties, lenders, and underwriters during COVID-19.

Illustration of a government building with money and legislation to represent the recent stimulus package from the CARES Act

CARES Act Guidance for Title Professionals

Last week the CARES Act was signed into law. This act has a few benefits for title & escrow businesses. Learn how your business can benefit with this guidance.

Illustration of a real estate professional using secure technology

[Webinar Recap]: Industry Experts Weigh in on Remote Work and Digital Closings During COVID-19

In response to COVID-19 and its impact on title businesses, Qualia pulled together industry leaders to discuss how their teams have adapted to remote work.

Illustration of a legislative bill for regulatory compliance

Stay on Top of COVID-19 Changes with These Valuable Industry Resources

Find a curated list of verified resources that are available for title & escrow businesses to stay on top of COVID-19 changes.

Illustration of a real estate closing document

Considerations for Notaries and Signing Agents During COVID-19

Social distancing efforts during the COVID-19 outbreak, have caused many businesses and signing agencies to take a closer look at in-person signings.

Illustration of title professionals doing title & escrow work

What Is Title in Real Estate & What Do Title Companies Do?

In this series, you’ll learn about the closing process and how innovation is transforming real estate transactions for the better.

Illustration of a home for sale

Leaders from Divvy and Homeward Discuss the Future of Home Buying

Leaders from Divvy and Homeward discuss how their businesses are shaking up traditional home buying and offering alternative paths toward home ownership.

Illustration of housing trends

SPECIAL REPORT: The State of the Title Industry in 2020

Read our recap of October Research’s “State of the Industry” report for a preview of what industry professionals are forecasting for 2020.