Industry Insights

Illustration of someone buying a home on their mobile phone

Insights from Inman Connect: How to Stay Competitive as Consumer Expectations Adapt

Qualia CEO, Nate Baker, discussed customer expectations and how the real estate transaction will change at Inman Connect.

Illustration of magnifier looking at different aspects of home buying

Survival of the Fittest: Ben Rubenstein of Predicts the Future of Real Estate Agents

At the Future of Real Estate Summit, Qualia co-founder, Joel Gottsegen spoke with Ben Rubenstein of about the future of real estate agents.

Illustration of computer showing different media trends and charts

Trend Spotters: What Leaders at HousingWire and October Research Are Watching in 2020

At the Future of Real Estate Summit, Qualia led a panel with leaders from HousingWire and October Research to discuss predictions for 2020.

illustration of title agents working on digital closings

Survey Shows Higher Consideration for eClosings in 2020

A recent survey shows that more title companies are considering eClosings. Here’s how lender & consumer preferences may push eClosing adoption further.

Illustration of a woman sitting at home during the holidays considering homes online for purchase

Holiday Home Buying Trends: How They are Shifting and What They Mean for Your Business

December is traditionally the lowest-volume month of the year for real estate closings; however, new home search and purchase data suggests meaningful homebuyer action happens around the winter holidays.

4 illustrated tiles with images of charts and an illustrated house to represent real estate tech trends from 2019

These Real Estate Transaction Trends Took Off in 2019

This year the real estate transaction process started to shift. These four 2019 trends indicate what may be to come for real estate transactions in 2020.

Illustration of a legislative bill for regulatory compliance

Industry Leaders Provide Regulatory Outlook for 2020

Last week leaders from across the real estate industry joined for “Regulatory Outlook 2020” webinar. Read on for their regulatory predictions.

Graph of commercial real estate trends in 2020

Will 2020 Bring Opportunity for Commercial Real Estate Transactions?

Commercial real estate (CRE) is projected to reach a record high for mortgage originations at $700 billion in 2020. Learn more about the CRE opportunity.

Illustration of a millennial man moving from a city to a home in the suburbs

What’s Driving Millennials to Smaller Towns?

Millennials are leaving big cities for the suburbs. Read to learn how technology is making the move away from cities more attractive than ever before.

Computer illustration with online learning modules for workplace training

Workplace Training is More Valuable Than Ever – Here’s Why

Employees say workplace training would improve their job satisfaction. Learn how to equip your employees with best-in-class training.

Illustrated yellow clock showing best time to switch to new software

When is the Best Time to Switch Title & Escrow Software?

The best time to switch to new title & escrow software is now. Learn why you should start planning for a switch right after peak home buying season.

Illustration of a millennial man thinking about the housing market and his ability to own a home or rent

Millennials in Priced-Out Markets Are Still Buying Real Estate, Here’s How

Millennials in major cities are suffering in the current housing market. However, a new trend indicates millennials are finding new ways to own real estate.